Don’t get me wrong. I just love to do psychic
readings for people, but unfortunately I can’t know it all. I’m not creating your life, YOU ARE so, the one that really knows all about you is YOU.
Anyways, I thought it would be fun to list some interesting tid-bits about psychics that I bet you didn’t know about, but are most certainly true. It’s taken from the Psychic Detectives WebSite from CourtTV now called TruTv. Enjoy!
10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT PSYCHICS (quoted from Psychic Detectives)
10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT PSYCHICS (quoted from Psychic Detectives)
1. Although they can be better than the average person at gambling, psychics are unable to accurately pick lottery numbers since there are no human thoughts attached.
2. Psychic ability is genetic; it runs in families.
3. Although it’s an innate ability, psychics must learn their craft. Trial and error helps them to perfect their senses.
4. Psychic profilers often become physically ill or fatigued after tapping into the minds of victims or perpetrators.
5. Psychics can physically feel heart-attacks, cancers and other ailments when in the presence of someone ill.
6. Psychics believe they can see the dead.
7. Psychics believe that everyone has a sixth sense. Most people just don’t know how to use that part of the brain.
8. Many psychics like to “escape” the weight of their abilities with movies and television.
9. Some psychics are able to turn their abilities “down” or “off” in order to relax and live like any other person. They don’t want to read every stranger they see.
10. Psychics mentor each other. Veteran psychics teach the less-experienced how to better read visions and feelings.
It’s official, now you know me a little better.
Take Care, Shamalah-Allah
{photo: Flowers and Crystal Ball by Tina}