All forms of spiritual healing is linked with one common presumption: A faith in the universal life force. There are many different spiritual healing modalities from laying-on-of-hands to color therapy. The common concept threaded in all of these modalities lies within the power of the universal life force. This force, sometimes referred to as ‘Chi’, is inside each and every one of us. Whether you believe the universal life force is of a higher power such as God, or it comes from nature, is fine. One can tap into this wonderful energy and channel it to heal the body, mind and soul. This invisible life force energy also affects non-living objects, such as rocks and crystals.

Pink Flowers
Tapping into this life force energy and channeling it through your body boosts health and vitality. We mustn’t forget however, that the power of the mind plays a major role in how one heals with this vital life force. The power of belief is essential. Another way to understand ‘belief’ is to acknowledge your innate participation in this process because each and every one of us is interconnected to the life force energy. In fact, we are animating the life force energy through our very existence. So to believe or acknowledge that your very existence is connected to this powerful Source is already realigning oneself into health.
Blockages of this life force energy are very common and these blockages can slowly decline our health. When blockages occur, it changes the rhythym or vibration by which our body functions. Usually, a healthy and happy disposition has a fast vibration, tone, energy or feeling to it, just like water flowing from a stream or faucet. When there is a block in this flow of energetic movement, everything gets backed up and slows down, just like a clogged sink. No one truly understands the vital life force energy, it is invisible, silent and elusive but we can feel it and when its moving at a good pace, we feel good; and if it stops or is slow, then we feel bad. We refer to this as vibrations or “vibes” or movement of energy. Again, we don’t totally understand it, just that it exists and it is important that we connect to this flow and stay with it for health and happiness.
When blocks and stagnation occurs in the energy, techniques in spiritual healing with sound and color are often used to change the rate at which the energy is moving. Agitating stagnant vibrations, loosens it up and allows the life force energy to flow again through the body. The natural restoration of balance occurs. Emotional responses to visualizing colors within the mind changes energy throughout the body and spirit; hearing the correct sound pitch also has the same effect. The practice of using sound and color to allow the universal life force energy to flow fully back into one’s body and spirit is powerful and non-invasive.

Yellow Flowers
Whether it be, sound, color, prayer, meditation, visualizations, the mind or laying-on-of-hands, all therapies work together to connect to Source. There are of course hundreds of healing modalities across the world that offer the same benefits. I only mention very generally a few paths to reconnecting with the Divine. If you are struggling with any difficult issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, greed, jealousies, anger, etc…exploring the idea of natural spiritual healing may be a consideration; it is a very ancient form of healing used by billions of people from all over the world with fantastic results.
Rev. Shamalah-Allah is a practicing Psychic-Medium and Spiritual Healer (650) 719-0097 or go online: